Just great, I don't know what else to say. The beat just made me feel like dancing throughout the whole song.
Finally complete, I hope you enjoy it. Please comment!
Just great, I don't know what else to say. The beat just made me feel like dancing throughout the whole song.
nice this is one of my favs!!!
I got this one downloaded and have for a while. so Im suprised i dint review this I should of sooner! but I love this the flow is perfect!!! Ive always enjoyed listioning to it!! you really did do a great job on this one!! it is a 5/5 and 10/10 and nothing less!
I like it
I only wish it were longer, because I get this feeling like I'm in the mountains or something when I listen to this song that I would like to last even longer :P
lol this is great i was just thinking of some funny/ridiculous story i oculd tell using a serious ominous tone while this is playing in the back ground lol it will be great thnx dude :)
Yeah, eesh goo
I've been getting lucky. Last few songs I've listened to are nice and peaceful songs. I love having my mind put at ease with the songs I listen to lately. There's a time and place for Metal and a time and place to relax.
Great tune and very distinctive~
9 out of 10
Please contact me if you would like to use this in a project. We can discuss the details.