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Author Comments

this is a real old track, but i thought some people here might dig it. ffw thru the intro.

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that intro built me up wonderfully

I think you should change the synths used after 1:35... it had a great build up... i think song is awesome as is... just focus more on the synths used at the 2 minute area.

k235 responds:

thanks for the suggestion, but i dont even have the project files anymore i think.
maybe one of these days i'll do a remake, but i doubt it :)

I dig it.

I actually liked the intro. And thats an awesome (xylaphone? marimba?) sample towards the end of the intro. Cool stuff man keep it up!

k235 responds:

thanks man. it's been so long i don't really know what kind of sound that was anymore. but i think your guesses are pretty good :) it's not a sample though, it's all midi through my old soundcard.

anyways, i'll upload a version without the intro _later_, for now i can't upload any more songs (2 songs limit per day)


that was really good, but you really should make the intro shorter so people listen to it...

k235 responds:

wow, thanks. i'll upload an introless version right now!
i kinda like the intro though. i used some random music generator for it.

Credits & Info

Waiting for 2 more votes

Oct 30, 2007
7:03 PM EDT
File Info
4.6 MB
5 min 2 sec

Licensing Terms

Please contact me if you would like to use this in a project. We can discuss the details.