i would be very glad if you did make it usable :d
An ambient/post rock loop. I'm not really setisfied with this one but I can't really do anything else with it so I upload it.
Feedbacks and critiques are apreciated :P <3
Egész tűrhetően sikerült
Bár azért itt is látszanak a forrasztások nyomai meg hogy hiába egy olyan darabról van szó ahol végre a szám a végéig eljut A-ból B-be így is borzasztó monoton és darabos
Szerintem legalábbis
De legalább értékelhető
Ha jól emlékszek 14 különböző sávon fut a dallam és ennek nagyjából a fele ez a ragadós sűrű szinti ami az ambient-jellegű érzést adja a maradék meg nyers dob basszusgitár és gitár
Az egész inkább olyan mint egy absztrakt hip-hop alap de ahhoz meg túlságosan lassú és inkább dallamorientált mint ritmusközpontú
Az összkép érdekes ábrázatot ad ki minden esetre...
És ez igazából már készen van, nem érzem hogy bármit önmagában javítani lehetne ebben a számban, mert ha valamit is elmozdítanánk a helyéről akkor mindent utána kéne polcolni és végül egy hasonló de a kiindulási alaphoz legfeljebb stílusában hasonlító anyagot kapnánk
Szóval ja....
i would be very glad if you did make it usable :d
It's done I guess
Try to use and if it doesn't work otherwise please contact me again
(sorry for the late response)
actually sounds cool i like that!
Thanks :P
It's an interesting blend of ambient and rock. The first little bit has abandoned mall vibes, and I could picture it playing out of a small kiosk in the distance. I might suggest seeing how it would be with the ambient stem at a lower volume and subordinate to the rock track, as once they both go they kind of compete with each other too much.
Thanks for the feedback :P
Yah I agree that the two main sounds has a feeling like they are competing in the track...
That's because I wanted to make an ambient song but in the middle of the work I found these guitar samples so I thought to make a post-rock song out of this
However.... I was wondering how to set the volumes of these lines but there were too many of them so it would have been too tireing and complicated to get the right sounding. I'm so impatient and I would have liked to get reviews as soon as possible so I finished it without trying to fix the lines...
It was a great opinion thanks :P <3
It sounds pretty mesmerizing...
Tell me, what program do you use to make music? FL? Cubase? Ableton? Reaper?
For this one and the previous 7 musics I used Bandlab.com
But I started to learn how to use Reaper so maybe the next track will be made with it :P
You may only use this piece for commercial purposes if your work is a web-based game or animation, otherwise you must make specific arrangements with the artist.
* Contains third-party samples.
Excercise caution when using it, refer to author comments / contact the author for details.