so unjoyable!!!I know this song....
Final fantasy or kingdomhearts???Whatta broblem!!!but end is defendly something strange?
My ambitious proyect, Fight and Still More fight Rock-Trance Remix, Enjoy an leave commts
so unjoyable!!!I know this song....
Final fantasy or kingdomhearts???Whatta broblem!!!but end is defendly something strange?
Well done. A little midi for my taste, but very very nicely done overall. :-)
Thnkz men, `bout the midi, i use it only for little sounds that i not hear well in the song :)
video game song is not my type.. but this
one is ok... it wasnt all that bad, there are some good parts in it... a bit weird....'
just keep it up... i like it at 1:25 when the egutar starts
Thnkz men, i like the guitar too :).. but.. weird..?? well... :p
final fantasy 7 right
Yeahh!! Final Fantasy 7, the Battle theme and Boss Theme ( Still More Fighting)
I really like how this sounds man, what game is this from??? I know it, but i cant put my finger on it.
Thnkz dude, is FF VII, if you want it, is from PSX, so you can easy buy it or download it ( freedom to interchange, no piracy ;) )
Please contact me if you would like to use this in a project. We can discuss the details.