i like dat snare-job man
Sounds a lot better than the original so far. Instruments sound tighter and more crisp
i like dat snare-job man
i think the drumbs need to be a lil more sustained and beefed up so itll rattle the windows. ya know what i mean?
if it aint ratteling anything why would any one listen to it in their car?
songs that knock sell. so get this song knocked up!
It's warm...
But to make it hot, some of the synths need more power and presence. I like the themes, especially the synth that solos at 1:40 or so, but the other melody synth needs more power because it's weak. The bass is good, but some effects would really make it shine. Keep it up, though.
Thanks for the tips. This song is still in it's earliest stage, so we're still trying to figure out what we should with this song. Check out our other version of it and see what u think. Most people tend to like hte original version better. Thanks again!
not bad
my big gripe is the puny ass drums.......BEEF THOSE BABIES UP percs are half the battle in hiphop and you want to be up in peoples faces (Without being distorted of course) other than that i like it...........koto is nice
(Keep playing that real music!)
We actually lowered the drums from the original a little bit. Check that one out and compare the two and see what you think. We are always looking for good constructive criticism, so any feedback is more than welcome. Thanks!
Please contact me if you would like to use this in a project. We can discuss the details.