nice fucking song man, realy good. fuck, u should do more of these wit some hip hop drums to it
Another submission for DAC
nice fucking song man, realy good. fuck, u should do more of these wit some hip hop drums to it
percussion is a little bit repetitive but build the athmosphere ...
i love the celesta/glockenspiel
good mix also
omfg did u ever make a bad song i mean there awesome i love all ur songs man
so much of your stuff sounds good it's kinda hard to find a bad one.
I really like this one... the strings are terrific, the snare roll is cool and I love the melody! I dunno what I can pick at with this song other than wht can't it be longer? Great work!
Thanks alot bro, i think the only thing it needs is to maybe have different melody's inside of it so it sounds more divers but thats about it yeah, thanks once again i really appreciate it.
Please contact me if you would like to use this in a project. We can discuss the details.