I think after 0:37 track should will faster or more powerful *
(If all during of this track its a begin and introduce - all ok , and this a perfect , and my advice invalid )
I can't tell you too much about this one, but you're gonna like it.
"Circuit Breaker" Coming Out Early March!!!
I think after 0:37 track should will faster or more powerful *
(If all during of this track its a begin and introduce - all ok , and this a perfect , and my advice invalid )
I'm actually gonna keep it the way it is. BPM is gonna be slow similar to other songs I've made
I like this one. I can see that it can be better in the future. Also this song makes feel a little lonely, but in a good way and not in a sad/bad way.
This is just a demo so it's a WIP. I did basically finish the song but I wanted to share this specific part.
Beautiful work! I love the synths in this one <3 Very excited for the full version!
This is definitely gonna hit the spot
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