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fuzion_mixer - Reminiscent of the Yesteryear (KTRNMusic Remix)

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Author Comments

This is my remix of Reminescent of the Yesteryear by fuzion_mixer, for a SunVox community remix album; which you can check out the original song and other remixes: https://soundcloud.com/fuzion-mixer/sets/reminiscent-of-the-yesteryear

I did trap because I pretty much bored and I can do House or Trap, so I picked Trap for the remix and It turned out perfect.

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Feb 5, 2021
2:25 PM EST
File Info
5.6 MB
4 min 4 sec
  • SunVox

Licensing Terms

You are free to copy, distribute and transmit this work under the following conditions:

You must give credit to the artist.
You may not use this work for commercial purposes. *
Share Alike:
If you alter, transform, or build upon this work, you may distribute the resulting creation only under a license identical to this one.

*You may not use this work without making specific arrangements with the artist UNLESS your work is a web-based game or animation, in which case you may use this freely.

** Remix of a third-party piece.
Excercise caution when using it, refer to author comments / contact the author for details.