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basic fgc moveset (Michael)


Here's a little mockup of MIchael's potential moveset if he was ever in a fighting game. I also made a short writeup for it. This was a thing for a server I'm in.

finally time to use this thread! first character I thought to do was Michael, since he's the main character after all. I'm going to use a notation similar to BlazBlue/Guilty Gear, with buttons notated as Punch, Kick, Slash, and Unique (P, K, S, U)


Michael is a powerful jack-of-all-trades character. He's fast and has many hidden weapons in his coat, such as his two plasma blades, a gun, pipebombs, coins, and more. This allows him to play at most ranges, but his preferred range is up close and personal. Up close, he can leverage his fast normal moves to enable simple strike-throw mixups. At further ranges, he can close the distance with some movement tools, as well as pester the opponent to approach him with his Tools of the Trade.

Command Normals

Forward P/6P: A backswing punch. Disjointed from the swinging shoulder, making it useful to beat pokes, as well as a good anti-air. The damage is low, however.

Forward S/6S: MIchael clicks his two sabers into one for a slow, strong overhead swing. Afterwards, you can press S again to detach the sabers for a launching hit, as well as making the move safe on block.

Special Moves

QCF+S/236S, Revolver Dance: Michael swings around both sabers and flies forward. Fast and safe on block. Can be done in the air and drags the opponent down with you.

623S, Clear Sky: A standard Dragon Punch style move. Fast, and invincible. Pressing forward+K after Clear Sky does a swinging kick, knocking the opponent away.

623K, Wire Tap: Using hidden wires in his wrists, he grabs the opponent from far away, pulls them in, and chokeslams them. Can be done in the air, but instead he grabs to the opposite corner and pulls himself across the stage.

QCF+U/236U, Live One!: Throws a pipebomb while moving backwards. The pipebomb detonates after 4 seconds with a small radius. You have to wait until after the bomb detonates to throw another.

QCB+U/214U, Lucky!: Throws a coin while moving backwards. The coin bounces off opponents, dealing fairly low damage. If you throw the coin, you have to wait 5 seconds to throw another coin, unless you pick it up before the timer is up.

Unique Trait: Tools of the Trade

When pressing the Unique Attack button, Michael pulls out his gun and fires, with the bullet going in one of 4 set directions. No direction sends straight ahead. Forward sends at a slight upward angle, while stepping back. Back shoots almost directly upward. Down shoots at a downward angle near the feet. The bullets deal low damage, and Michael pulls them out with enough flair to make the move slow.Β The bullets go about half screen away. However, the bullets also interact with his throwables (the coin and the pipebomb). The pipebomb launches towards the opponent and after getting shot once, will detonate on contact with the opponent. The coin will ricochet the bullet if shot, dealing more damage, launching the opponent, and immediately refreshing the coin cooldown. If both a coin and bomb are in play, the coin will ricochet to the pipebomb if shot, immediately detonating it with a much larger blast than normal.Β 

Super Moves

Level 1, 236236P, Explosive Buster: A rushing forward elbow hook, before punching the opponent with a live pipebomb in hand, detonating it and blowing up his hand along with it. (Don't worry, he has a spare one to put on afterwards.) The elbow hook is invulnerable on startup, and the explosive punch is very large, but there is an interruptible gap between the two moves.

Level 1, 236236K, Clean Streak: Using his Breath of the Storm technique, he increases his speed to deliver a powerful dropkick to the head. Low damage, but positive on block and tracks anywhere.

Level 3, 214214P, Second Wind: Michael starts up a counterattack. If the counter lands, he powers up to his Second Wind state, where his speed is doubled and his damage is multiplied by 1.3x for 13 seconds. As well, he gains access to a dodge, which refills the timer if an attack is dodged.


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Mar 18, 2023
5:47 PM EDT

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