Wow, how did I miss this in your gallery? Fascinating to see the paths people take in their art.
In truth, I started off trying lines, but an eye problem + carpal tunnel prevent success. "Click click boom" goes the shoulder; "what even is focus?" says the eyeball ;). I was forced to lean out of lines. As a logical type, can I offer my personal lesson from digi-painting that made all the difference?
"Embrace the mess". Sweep colours. Make mistakes. Leave them in. Happy accidents happen all the time -- and there's always the next piece. This was a HUGE mindset change for me. Perhaps you already are this way? I suspect the lines will disappear on their own, if you think in these terms consciously. You've got a GREAT sense of style.
5/5, everything works! Good luck on your journey! Let's hope I can lean into what you did here, in the same way you're trying to lean out, hehe ;).