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Yomogi Comic



The REAL reason you have to "go" to Elgado Outpost in Sunbreak.

This took way more work than I wanted, originally I wasn't going to have backgrounds, but it felt like it wasn't working as well in the white void. SO that added a ton more work. I think i started this in like, January or whenever the game dropped on PC. I put it off for a bit as i got kind of bored in the post game, and was drawing more may emotes. But these past couple months i've been dedicating chunks of time to this. really cut it close to the wire.

If you ask me personally how i think sunbreak will be, I think the 'switch skill swap' is a bandaid for a fundamental problem the generations team constantly introduces of trying to force the player to use other movesets that are clearly inferior. Removing parts of my kit for no reason is stupid and will never work. people will find the one switch skill they want and only swap the wirebug moves only. Some leaks about the roster leave me a little underwhelmed, but honestly Seregios and Gore Magala coming back are practically worth it on their own. They didn't expand on Wirebug utility enough, EVERY weapon should have that wirebug dash as a basic move, not a wirebug one. you should be able to launch yourself with the bug while your weapon is out, not sheathed. like L2+X and L2+Square aren't doing anything, you can aim the wirebug with L1 or whatever the aim button is for the bug and let you launch yourself with your weapon out. Anyway i just hope they didn't make annoying ass fucks like crimson valstrax. it's genuinely unfun with how long you have to fight that stupid thing, and you can't make any mistakes but not in the fun way fatalis had. this stupid generations motherfucker has instant overheads and unreactable carpet bombs like what do you expect me to do generations team.

Looking forward to MHW2 in 2024

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Jun 29, 2022
9:56 PM EDT

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