With 2022 wrapping up it's time for my art summary for 2022!
A new year also means I get a year older and for turning 18 I made this drawing. It's great to see my 2 main characters together and while it is basic, it works really well IMO.
Last year I gave a LOT of attention to Arcade & Spacey and this year was a nice change of pace for the most part with Spooks being my favorite. Again very basic but you could tell I am getting better with anatomy.
March - Not quite the saga we had in mind
Another thing that has become more common this year is fanart. Early in 2022, I got obsessed with Hebreke/Ufouria and this drawing reflected that. Doing the main 4 was fun thanks to their unique anatomy which made for a nice drawing exercise, Overall a proud drawing.
When it comes to making new characters I mostly focused on expanding my current cast but some new ones got made like Totaltron. He is Spacey's main villain and while I only drew him once I plan on doing more with him and he will be important just like Glox. So stick around!
May - No Lines Spacey & Friends
Out of all the years making art, 2022 has been the most experimental, I made 2 new styles and this is the lineless pseudo-3D shaded style akin to Jinners4. Out of the 2 pieces, this was the better one since the shading was better. I should get to expanding the style soon because I like it a lot.
Like last year, June was sparse for art but I did get 1 picture out and it was the one. This was meant to commemorate my High School graduation and I am proud of it, especially the background which I don't do often. This was the perfect way of graduating High School,
July - Mr. Game but Nintendo accurate (Artfight)
Another new experience this year was joining Artfight for the first time, and I was not expecting it to be so good. I made so many drawings but my favorite has to be this one based on VinculumStellarum and his OC Mr. Game, I like how it looks like no other drawing this year and that is what makes it so good to me because it is so unique.
More first times are here and this is the first collab I was a part of. That collab was OCSuperCircuit2022 an art collab by Famimatsu & MattoonVArtist. I like the perspective here and it makes for a dynamic drawing that I consider great and a very proud one at that.
I Drew this while when I won a Pac-Man Noir Chrome Chogokin figure in a Pac-Man sweepstakes and it turned out really nice. I mostly like how dynamic it looks and that is a quality my best drawing have it seems. Other then that, it's not too notable but still nice.
Man, I don't give Arcade's cast much attention, do I? Yeah, that is what happens when you are older than the hip and new Spacey cast but this time I gave 2 of them a spin in this drawing and I like how it turned out. Add a screen bug and this could work well as a fake TV screencap. It also seems like I know my perspective well and it shows here,
November - Look for The Gummy Bear Album in stores on November 13th
November was mostly a not-so-special month this year but I did make an epic meme drawing, so that is nice. Yeah you can tell I don't have much to say here.
Now we have the 2nd new style, Pixel Art! I always wanted to do Pixel Art but I didn't do any until now and while most were smaller stuff, this Pepopino one for Pizza Tower getting a release date revealed and a new trailer is a nice piece and while I still feel like I have a lot to learn with Pixel Art, I still feel like that style has a lot of potential for me and it serves as a nice cap for this year
2022 looking back was a year of experimentation, I basically hit my peak of digital drawing (sadly since it is mid) so I branched out so I can expand my skill set and honestly I think it will be hard to beat the raw experimentation of 2022, from new styles to new stuff, 2022 will be memorable to me for how far I branched out. 2023 should continue all of this bigger and better even if I don't experiment as much, but hey, next College Semester I am going to have a Graphic Design Class, so hopefully, I can do more Graphic Design since I love Graphic Design a lot and I want to make it. So that is all I have to say, this year no matter how you feel about it was a fun year, and let's hope next year is just as fun. Anyways bye!
Previous Retrospectives
2022: Art (here), Videos
Next year: 2023: Art, Videos
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