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Every flavour of P*rny Elf


...Once dropped, Sophia's big, weighty udders sagged to their natural position, each pale, freckled globe easily larger than her head, the pair pleasantly jiggled as they settled into place.

"w-what are you doi-"

The young prince began, his member throbbing at the sight of her naked figure, hips and thighs to rival those hefty mounds as she carefully shushed him. in the flickering light now it was clearly evident she too was nervous. Sinking to her knees, she looked up to her prince, and told him he could use her to calm down his aching nethers. The enormous fifth limb looked almost painfully hard now, the head bobbing up and down in front of her as it twitched in anticipation.

And it was, his member felt almost sore as he pointed his two-feet-long tool at her chest, and began pumping his hands along its incredible length.

Though this was for him, Sophia could not help but feel her nethers heat up as well, getting ready for the coupling they both wanted. The theory was that, if they somehow got it out of his system, he would be allowed rest for at least a while, and that maybe, more direct methods of stimulation would sate the supernatural-brought desires.

This theory proved quickly correct, as the prince with a grunt let loose, the first enormous rope of pearly white fluid rocketing out of his shaft with such force it shot over her head to splatter and drape itself over the leaves and branches in the woods behind the pair. He quickly lowered his tool, and began dousing the beauty in more of his "stuff" than even a stallion could produce in several sittings. Soon her pale chest shone even whiter with his fluids, dripping off her in long strands as his knees buckled from the intensity of his climax, far greater than it had been on his own, and she hadn't even touched him yet. Eventually he was evidently spent, though his tool remained just as rigid.

So they went again, this time Sophia shuffling close to press her sticky bust up against his pole, the thick white muck making everything nice and slippery as the prince, lost on pleasure, quickly got to work thrusting, his member so long it raised above her head. Soon he reached another, just as great a climax, this time her face receiving the brunt of his splooge, the excess shooting far up into the canopy to land on and behind her again.

So the night went, until the prince's overzealous member and balls were aching and sore for entirely different reasons, though with a slight pang of regret realized they hadn't even gotten to trying to insert himself inside of her... anywhere really.

But he had finally calmed, Sophia almost entirely covered head to toe in his magically enriched essence. So after washing up, and a serious blow dealt to the pair's sense of shame, they went to their tent and, finally, got some rest...

 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  

There are many kind of Elves of course, in fact, even in their fading number, the high Elves form a minority among Elves. Rather inclined to living among nature, many elf societies and nations are called Wood Elf Kingdoms. Though there is far too much variety among them to see them as a unified whole.

Though there are trends. Wood elves are famed for their light cavalry and even lighter armour. Traditionalist in spirit, they even hold back on their use of magic, though their divided and varied nature did far from save them from the fate all Elves suffered.

In fact, it compounded the issue, though the most numerous, The wood Elves numbers are dwindling far quicker than any other Elf. And due to their intrinsic links with nature, this has given rise to the idea the magic is fading from the world, as logic and science is winning the great battle. And this in turn, is flaring up tensions, Elven nations conspiring and wanting to strike back against the evils of technology. Blind to the fact that magic can and will cause just as much harm as "mundane" methods and that they too will readily make use of forges and woodworking to construct machines of war.

Though for the moments, these radicals remain fringe factions, mostly held back by those lines of thinking bringing them dangerously close to their "evil" brethren, the Dark Elves. And Elves are reluctant to be seen together with them, the evils of the Dark Elves extend far beyond persecuting the different, "lesser" races.

Bringing it back to the wood elves, they are in contrast to the high Elves famed beauty bordering on the ethereal and celestial, most known for their exotic builds and darker complexions, some nations taking the body modifications further than any before even, to the point of creating turning themselves into animal-men. And it's these groups especially of course, that are in dire straits.

hey all,

So I finally have something to say again. As you may have noticed, I missed yesterday's upload.

Don't worry nothing's going on, I just had an occasion to celebrate with the fam and was preoccupied, I was hoping to find a brief chance to slip an upload in regardless, but it was not to be.

How about I make it up to you tomorrow with a double-feature? ;)

SoCarter out.

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Credits & Info

4.47 / 5.00

Jul 18, 2020
4:57 PM EDT

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