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A very p*rny Dwarf girl


So we've gone over some basic Orc and Elf lore these past couple days, with the odd human thrown in, but what about that third staple race of fantasy setting?

Dwarves are much how you would imagine, stout, stocky, broad, they like brewing beers and ales and getting drunk, they're one of the older races, they live in mountains, they are very industrious, not very attuned to magic, and they like mining and smithing.

So why haven't they drawn foul with the supremacist Elves and persecuted like the Orcs had?

Well as I alluded to in an earlier post, the Orcs were far from innocent in the conflicts and wars between the two races. And though Elves certainly feel some disdain for the Dwarves' industrious, technology loving nature, Dwarves never went out of their way to antagonize the Elves either. Much of their dealings with the other races, when they choose to actually deal with them that is, is with humans, their closest cousins. Humans and Dwarves are in fact so closely related to each other they can actually produce viable offspring together. As opposed to Elf and Human couplings, which always result in infertile offspring, even before the Elves birthrates started dropping.

But it was an alliance drawn between Elves and Dwarves that ended being the death knell for the Orcs as a civilized society. While Elves reserve most of their hatred for the Orcs, Dwarves have a particular dislike for the smaller Goblins, who are aside from among Orc tribes, often found within mountains.

And Dwarves are rather reclusive. They don't like to share. They are also very disciplined and take honour VERY seriously. Help a Dwarf in need out and you will have a companion and friend sooner willing to die for you than not repay the debt they owe.

Orcs and Goblins, particularly Goblins, have a rather more cavalier attitude towards such things.

It was rather easy for the Elves, who similarly hold honour and debt in high regard, to convince the dwarves to join their cause.

After the great war was won though the alliance wouldn't last, aside from their shared dislike of the orcs and Goblins for their own different reasons, Elves and Dwarves really don't get along. And the Dwarves wanted nothing to do with the campaign of persecution and slaughter that followed their victory over the green menace.

And so the Dwarves retreated back into their mountain holds.

 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 

...Thankfully their plan worked, Both the prince and Sophia got a good night's rest. And with a yawn the beautiful young knight awoke to the singing and chirping of birds.

That, and something massive poking her back, no, sliding up and down her back and between the soft, cosy buns of her formidable behind.

The prince profusely apologized as he made use of Sophia's backside to calm his aching morning wood. Sophia only mildly complained, and mostly to keep up a front for the prince. She wasn't just yet ready to admit to herself she desired more, let alone to the prince. Scrambling to push the bedding out of the way for his impending release, Sophia reached behind her, and while rolling her hips along with the prince's thrusting, jerked him off until he burst all over her back.

His desires sated for now, they went ahead to pack everything and saddle up to head to the nearby town downstream. Plans had to be changed somewhat, considering the frequency of the prince's needs, they wouldn't get anywhere if they continued on like this. he needed his own horse, to minimize contact between the two. Otherwise they wouldn't get anywhere.

As would prove clearly evident by the journey to the small town. Only by pushing her mighty steed to its limits were they able to clear the distance in a day, time and time again having to get off in order to... help the prince get off. By the end of the day, Sophia had transitioned to allowing the monstrously hung prince the use of her mouth, his member stretching her jaw open wider than either thought possible as he pumped his hips against her pretty face, those piercing bright green eyes looking up at him as she sucked and suckled, her face contorted in ways he'd never seen, only for him...

Hey all,

So here it is, as promised, the double feature... or well the first part, the second will be following shortly.

SoCarter out, for now.

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4.69 / 5.00

Jul 19, 2020
3:22 PM EDT

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