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SkylerToons Christmas Carol


Soooooooooooo today is the day. Its Christmas Eve. The day for people to get together, be grateful with what we all have, making sure you have cookies and milk for the jolly man himself, and more.

So as some of you know, that I had a big drawing that I was gonna post today along with a story... however I wasnt able to finish the story in time... I'm sorry everyone.

I do hope you're not disappointed, but I will tell u all about info about the story.

At first, the story is mainly based on the classic Christmas story written by Charles Dickens "A Christmas Carol"

I was using 3 different version of the story for help, "Mickey's Christmas Carol" for some of the lighthearted and silly parts, while using both "Muppet Christmas Carol" and "The BBC (The British Broadcasting Corporation) Christmas Carol radio reading" for the lines for lines from the original story for source material

like for example, in the story I was writing the story, at the scene when Scrooge met The Ghost of Cristmas Future, this is how I wrote it

Scrooge then tripped face first into the snow almost like he was knocked out as he then slowly stood back up, but he could see nothing but the snow under his feet and the thick fog. Scrooge could not see anything at all and so he simply just walked aimlessly for what felt like an eternity. There was no sound except for the sound of the crunching footstep of the snow but soon began to hear that sound of crows.

Soon the fog began to disappear revealing Scrooge to be... in a graveyard.

Scrooge: *walks through some graves until he was startled by a tall, hooded figure with one red eye and one red* ... am I in the presence of The Ghost of Christmas yet to come? *The hooded spirit simply nods yes slowly* Spirit... I fear you more... then any other specter I have met. I am prepared to follow and learn with a thankful heart. *the spirit says nothing* Will you not speak to me? *the spirit once again says nothing as she puts on hand behind Scrooges and points in a direction with her other hand* Yes yes, of course. Lead the way spirit.

In my version of the story, each of my characters were gonna play the roles of some of the characters from the original story


SkylerToons plays as Ebenezer Scrooge

Skylee Toons plays as Bob Cratchit (however since Skylee is a woman, the name was gonna be changed to Bobbi Chretcen because I thought it sounded similar)

Lilli Toons plays as Tiny Tim/Tiny Timmy

Tyler Foon plays as Scrooge's nephew Fred

SAM plays as The Ghost of Jacob Marley aka Scrooge's old work partner

Ashlee Toons plays as Isabelle aka Scrooge's old GF from the past

Jason Cook plays as Young Scrooge from the past

Cenders the Guardian of the Sun plays as the Ghost of Christmas Past

Galaxy the Gurdian of the Moon plays as the Ghost of Christmas Present

SWS plays as The Ghost of Christmas Future

and a few other of my characters were gonna play as some of the other secondary characters but I'm not sure as to who (including Bobbi Chretcen's husband and 2 other children, and a few other characters)

So, for the drawing, I wanted to make it look and feel like it came out of an old classic story book since it is based on a classic story

I also got the idea from the Mickey's Christmas Carol as well lol

So for the first panel, I drew in Skylee/Bobbi Chretcen working at her desk and me/Scrooge

In the 2nd panel, I drew a scene where SAM/Jacob Marley visits me/Scrooge leaving him spooked and informing him that he will be visited by 3 spirits

In the 3rd panel, is simply the 3 Ghosts of Christmas Past, Present, and Future

and lastly in the last panel, is Scrooge in the rocking chair with Tiny Timmy aka Lilli, and the 2 other Chretcen kids on me as I look upon Bobbi Chretcen and her husband all happily. (I also added in Huggie Bear in there if u look closley as Tiny Timmy)


When I was working on the last panel, I was kinda tearing up abit. NO JOKE. Because I mean like I've felt like this has got to be one of my most heartwarming moment even tho my characters are not playing as themself and just playing as some other people from another story but still. while also listening to this song on loop The Disney Studio Holiday Chorus - What a Merry Christmas Day! - YouTube 

Sooooooo yeah, I enjoyed working on this drawing and I hope u all like the drawing too

I really put alot of hard work into both this and the story and I hope u all can tell.

I will also try to make another Christmas drawing and post it tomorrow

So until then, Merry Christmas to one and all ^^

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Dec 24, 2021
1:26 PM EST

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