A humanoid hunter known as the "Anomaly Hunter" who hunts down psychic entities that came to the "physical world", where all the humans live, from an unknown psychic world. his common enemies are the elemental psychics. I based his design on Boogiepop because I liked the character design.
his arsenal consists of
Life Injurer: his standard psionic saw blade used to deal damage to his enemies
Conscious Ender: his final attack against an opponent, he pierces right through his enemy, ending their existence. although he prefers to use his deporter to banish anomalies and save it for the dangerous anomalies instead
Piston Hook: A hook with a piston equipped, he can either catch his enemies to bring them closer, or, push himself away from them.
Photon Lasso: He can use his lasso as a grappling hook to latch on to random electron particles in the air to swing from point A to B. when the lasso grabs an electron, it also halts the movement of the atom mid-air so as to not disrupt him during his swinging
Deporter: A device used to banish anomalies back to their home world. he prefers using this over the conscious ender
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