It's Rulent Tuesday! ...Yes, that's a thing now! And out today is Version 0.41: Bunny Laundering! This public version also includes the changes for v0.40: Badge-Worthy. The reasons for this are twofold:
- GB Studio v2 has just gone into Open Beta. I'm eager to jump in and convert RT over, but the process is bound to introduce some bugs, along with rewriting some things such as Archery and adding optional Color support, so the next update may take a little longer than normal.
- I'm going to be moving! We've been house-hunting for a little while now, and the market has been savage. But barring any unforeseen circumstances, the next month is going to be a sprint of getting any repairs or changes we need done, packing up, moving our stuff, and selling our existing place. I won't stop working on Rulent Tower during this, but I can't promise the semi-daily streams I've been doing lately on Picarto.
So yep, no wait for public release, lucky you! There's a lot more to explore and dumb jokes everywhere, so if you haven't poked around Rulent Tower in a while, I humbly suggest you give it another visit!
Here's the full Changelog:
RT Changes (v0.41) Since Last Release
- Laundry & Snacks Room!
- New NPC: Loada! She... doesn't get out much. Does she even have an apartment here?
- Sample your favorite flavor of soda! Try some Apple!
- The Arcade machine doesn't work right now, but it might on a future Day...
- The Library!
- New NPC: ??? A finely-moustached friend just hoping you'll have FUN.
- Enjoy 47 different book and media titles on shelves because something is wrong with me.
- There's a Sound Booth! Perfect for voice acting, ASMR, or just angry screaming!
- Added some extra beachy details to the shoreline visible on the rooftop, and adjusted a few descriptions.
- Added signage and unique doors in the Halls for the 3 accessory rooms (Supplies, Laundry, and Library).
- Added descriptions to the stairs and top door in all the hallways, telling you where they lead.
- Added a night palette to the Evening Hallway, and the painters are done with your floor logo! (But they might still touch it up.)
- Fixed some missing basement descriptions.
- Tweaked Ky's sprite set.
- Altered the (still VERY unfinished) ending Ren images.
- Added new Awesome Supporters to the dedication plaque and ending splash screen.
- Reconfigured the Debug Menu to give you generic access to floors. Obviously not meant for the final release, but handy for testing or checking out new details.
- This means all of the "Side Rooms" (with the exception of the First-Person View rooms like the Sauna and the Changing Room, which will be coming after the conversion to GB Studio v2) are now complete for Day 1! They may still receive small touch-ups, but now all that's left are apartments and the NPC gimmicks.
- Known bugs:
- Loada's sprite overlap with the washer is incorrect. I'll be able to fix this with GB Studio v2.
- Can get a little laggy walking around the sound booth door.
- The sound booth light is supposed to be off when you're not inside, but the best I could do for now was have it blink much more slowly. This is another "Fixable in GB Studio v2" issue.
This also includes the updates for v0.40 - Badge-Worthy! Those are:
- Supply Closet: Artwork, (Muted Lobby) Music and Full Day 1 "Narration" sequence.
- Gym: Added fresh flavor text and descriptions, and a new NPC: That-Ra, the Gym Trainer.
- Detailed large planet and added "Clawed" planet to intro BG.
- Added Descriptions to Building Front area and (Undecided) NPC.
- SuperKing's apartment got a few description and art tweaks, and fixed his inconsistent animation speed.
- Ren got a temporary (SuperKing's) apartment. Since it's critical path, until I can finish her unique art I think this helps.
- Step Usage (Up only) and Elevator Usage (Only when changing floors) are now tracked, for events later on.
- Temporary music added to a few locations for variety (may change).
- UI Text Box Frame tweaks, Changed a few Font letters and added Arrows to the Font.
- Minor tweaks to Evening cutscenes.
- Mary Ann: Fixed Cake? and Dress description bugs.
- Fixed Painbow's emotes.
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