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Black Eyed Woman on road


The black eyed kids/people phenomena are encounters/sightings where a person or group of people encounter beings that look like humans but their eyes are pitch black. They are mostly encountered on the doorsteps of homes trying to ask if they can come in, but on other occasions, they can appear on sides of roads & ask for help to get to certain places. Usually, people instantly get out there but for the people that stay & help these beings or let them into their homes…. Their health or mental state began to worsen. This could be due to some sort of pyshic or supernatural phenomena if most of these stories are to be believed. These reports of black eyed humanoids apparently have stemmed as far back as the 1980’s in Abilene, Texas or possibly even earlier than that somewhere in the 50’s or 40’s. Some claim these beings are demons, while others claim they’re of ET origin & are the hybrids between humans & aliens that most abductees say they see while on board other worldly craft, and we have other people who claim that these black eyed beings are actually ghosts of dead people haunting & causing bad things to happen in the world of the living. Whatever these beings are, we know one thing for certain, they appear out of nowhere to their victims. These beings are just another unsolved mystery in the vast list of entities that could possibly be real, which I personally think they might exist & might be ghosts, thought forms from a legend that spread too much, or possible hybrids. We might never know if these entities are real or not but from the cases & encounters with these beings, it’s very much likely that they’re not normal kids pranking people or adults doing the same. And that these beings are quite obviously not from the “normal world” as most people call it.

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Jul 15, 2021
1:17 AM EDT

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