Here is the World Map of the planet Qophper. It was initially made on Inkarnate and then retouched and remade on Aseprite. Each kingdom has its own emblem based on its respective element, and it's named after the greek word for this elemen
Ammus = Ámmos = Sand
Anemon = Ánemos = Wind
Edafotz = Édafos = Soil
Kristallo = Krýstallo = Crystal
Nero = Neró = Water
Oxee = Oxý = Acid
Pagos = Págos = Ice
Photia = Fotiá = Fire
Phytos = Fytó = Plant
Vront = Vrontí = Thunder
Lampsee = Lámpsi = Shine
Scootadee = Skotádi = Dark or Darkness
Fun Fact: I got inspired on a Super Mario World Hack Rom called The Twelve Magic Orbs to make the kingdoms for this world</p>
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