Elegant noodle dragons are not really my cup of tea, but I needed to draw this for a change. It seems to me that if Yuyuko Saigyouji could take the form of a dragon, then she would be just that. Why six legs? Well, first of all, it is because the butterfly is Yuyuko's signature animal, and they have 6 legs. Second is that the darker middle legs are meant to represent her belt. Naturally, there's also sakura at the tip of the tail to represent, well, sakura, and Saigyou Ayakashi. And of course, the horn. Yuyuko does not have any horns, but in this case, the horn is meant to be reminiscent of the triangle on her hat.
Yes, I spent a lot of blue and purple. But I love those colors.
Colored pencils, A3.
Art (c) RavenCorona
Yuyuko Saigyouji (c) ZUN
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