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A Little Piece of Heaven - Techmo


My Techmo (Ammo Baron x Techno Baron) fan art based on the song, A Little Piece of Heaven by Avenged Sevenfold. In this pic, Ammo Baron and Techno Baron are a zombie groom and bride (which is based on my idea of Ammo Baron and Techno Baron as a ghost groom and bride and my 13 Days of Ammo x Techno Halloween Day 5 pic with these two as zombies (13 Days of Ammo x Techno Halloween Day 5)).

Plot: Ammo and Techno Barons have been dating for years. Techno Baron proposed to Ammo Baron, asking for his hand in marriage, but Ammo Baron said no because he wasn't ready to get married. Techno Baron went insane and stabbed Ammo Baron multiple times and killed him. To make matters, he ripped out Ammo Baron's heart and ate it. Suddenly, Techno Baron snapped out of it and realizes that he killed Ammo Baron, much to his horror, his guilt and despair, so he stored the corpse in a refrigerated coffin and mourns for his recently deceased boyfriend. Then, Ammo Baron's ghost appears, unhappy about what Techno Baron did to him, and comes not to haunt him, but to take him with him, much to Techno Baron's horror. He possessed his own corpse and became a zombie. He grabs Techno Baron and chokes him before ripping out his heart and eating it. Techno Baron's spirit awoke in hell where he was scared and alone, fearing that he would be punished and suffer eternal damnation. However, he escapes hell and comes back as a zombie. The zombified Techno Baron meets Ammo Baron, apologizes to him for killing him and eating his heart and says that he'll make it up to him. Feeling guilty, Ammo Baron forgives Techno Baron and decided to marry him to take over Sequin Land together. After a violent massacre they caused in the Sequin Land Palace, Ammo Baron (as the groom) and Techno Baron (as the bride) said their vows and got married. Then, the undead newly wed couple celebrated their wedding with another killing spree and ruled Sequin Land together forever. No one will ever be safe from these zombie tyrants.

Fun fact: Ammo Baron and Techno Baron's wedding outfits are the same as their ghost forms' wedding outfits.

Shantae (c) WayForward Technologies

Song (c) Avenged Sevenfold

Idea, concept and artwork (c) me

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Jun 23, 2021
3:36 AM EDT

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