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Parallel Panic: concept art !


First concept of the gameplay i had in mind was to complete rounds you had to avoid eggs being thrown at you by rascals as you park your car for your vallet job, 3 strikes and youd be fired!

At the end of each round a mini cutscene would play (mario 3 bonus level style) involving your boss handing you the keys of the clients car, with specific objectives for that level


For the artstyle i really wanted to make something that would ooze mid 2000s cartoony style, something youd see in a birthday card or in a game of Worms!


I had some pixel limitations for designing the cars so i opted to color code em as closely as i could to what i wanted to reference eheheh

I had a range of Normal cars, Wide cars, Long cars, Small cars and a Golden Tank!


This time i used a lotta Bots designs since i usually dont give them enough love, wanted to give them their time to shine lol

Man i really wish i had more time to do that Alien Hominid car whoops...

iu_600060_6884537.pngZizu was a huuuuuuge help to design Gino! Hes the one that suggested to leave him cloud colored since we got so used to the placeholder that he made lol

iu_600062_6884537.gif et voilĂ !iu_600061_6884537.gif

Designing the levels was a lotta fun to, Zizu came up with the layout and I did the art overlay!

Smiling friends came out recently when we were doing our entry so i decided to do an homage with the first stage

"Asding Friends!"


Heres the other 3 stages I designed

Ng warehouse was a lotta fun, i love adding lil cameos and tiny particles!


Tennis court was very simple, Zizu really added all the extra polish with the crowd cheering!


Ritz Arcade was just my excuse to go nuts with 90s decor lol, i vaguely based it on a place i used to go as a kid with my parents called Uci Cinema (Warner Village at the time)

Here zizu added all the sprites on the lcd screens!

Very chaotic stage :-)


Id love to post more material but i bet this got very long already!!!


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Nice to see the fun ideas and designs here. Good work!

Wario Land 4 vibes

working on this was so fun : ]
parallel panic turbo DX when?


Credits & Info

4.78 / 5.00

Apr 9, 2022
6:17 AM EDT

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