Laurita Sanchez = Kobalt Steel
The second day of OC-Tober wanted to see what my latest OC was, which was Laurita Sanchez. Although I do have many other new OCs in mind, all are still in concept phase, and Laurita is the newest one I have actually created and posted out there! For this pic, I decided to show off what her alternative set of clothes would be like, which would be rancher theme; this was taken from the old piece of concept for Isabella, where she wore rancher clothes, and I decided to evolve them for Laurita, giving her a different shirt, brown gloves, and modifying her high-heeled boots! However, I wasn't sure on the color of her pants, so I provided both a white and blue jeans variation of the picture!
This is the white jeans version of Laurita's rancher clothes, which I decided to go with, because I feel it looks nicer on Laurita with all of the red (besides, some people I know like it as well)
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