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HIC's successor


The previous regime under Her Imperious Condescension was that of instability. Lowbloods had no legal protection from murder and exploitation by others, and whenever they protested the protests were drone-striked and dismantled. Limebloods, because of their ability to regulate and calm down the moods of others, became a banned caste and were universally hunted and culled. Eventually, all adults would be banished into space to serve in the Imperial Military for the rest of their lives.

This worked for some centuries or so, and the Alternian forces were able to continuously conquer more land. However, when roughly half of your own citizens hate the empire and do not want to fight for their own planet anymore, the military forces will suffer. More battles were lost, and the military's progress began to stagnate no matter how many trolls were thrown into a conflict. The absence of Limebloods from the psychic grid created further agitation, as bloodlust towards ones own species went unchecked, and more trolls than ever were dying of murder by another troll.

The poor state of the Alternian military forces would be revealed to all when extraterrestrial forces managed to break into Alternian territory and land multiple suicide attacks on one of the planet's brooding caverns, causing a cave-in which killed dozens of Jadebloods and severely injured the mother grub within. Larva production was halted for months as she recovered, but even worse was that all the suspicions the Alternian citizens had about the current state of their empire was confirmed. All could see that the poor economic management, low standards of living, and inter-caste conflict had led this happen. Another rebellion broke out, this time composed of not just lowbloods but also a significant amount of midbloods and highbloods. You can't cull everybody anymore when even the ones in charge of the culling are trying to rebel.

Everyone regardless of caste wanted a new empress immediately, seeing the Condesce as unfit to rule. The next duel to determine the next Empress was essentially rigged against The Condesce. The Condesce was killed in the ring, her decapitated head paraded around as a prize by the new Empress.

The transition from the old regime to the new one was not easy nor was it swift. Economic recession became economic depression as the empire underwent a restructuring. Many properties were bought by the Empire, broken up, and repurposed, and many starved as funds were spread thin, but the empress and her cabinet promised that this would pave the way to a better future. Limebloods were reintroduced to Alternian society and although they faced unique hardships due to generations of persecution, they would eventually be accepted back and integrated.

Once things became more stable, everyone was guaranteed a job. Once a troll becomes of age, they are assigned a job by the Imperial Department of Employment and are put to work. Under the new rule it is illegal to not have a job, because everyone must make meaningful contribution to the state and if you're not part of this then you are a leech. "Video game streamer" is not a recognized job as it does not produce meaningful contribution to society, and the IDE will instead put you to work in a steel mill.

Because each caste has unique abilities, blood color determines the job pool a troll may be assigned to. Generally speaking, the lowest castes are more involved in agriculture and factory work, while the middle castes' jobs tend to be more clerical, while the highest castes may pursue a higher education for a job that involves science, engineering, or other academic field. Purplebloods and seadwellers can govern territories: purplebloods can govern cities, seadwellers can govern continents and planets, and fuchsias oversee all the empire's territories.

Since most jobs are provided by the empire they can't really fire someone for underperformance, but what they can do is reassign them to a different job. It could sometimes be in a place far away. But a troll doesn't get all the chances in the world, for if they keep underperforming and are deemed exceptionally incompetent, they could just get culled for being a drain on society.

Compared to the previous regime, this state of affairs is considered an unprecedented era of harmony. A state worth taking pride in whether one is a lowblood or a highblood. The Alternian military forces became stronger than ever before, securing territories and interplanetary contracts the previous Empress never could.

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May 3, 2022
8:20 PM EDT

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