The coloring is nice along with drawing in general.
Let me start by making this perfectly clear, "This is ADAM PHILLIPS character Bitey"! He added a screen shot from his new Bitey game on his website, I loved it, asked him how he accomplished such a polished, soft look in Toon Boom Animate, got no answer and decided to figure it out myself. This is the result of 4 hrs. in Toon Boom messing with effects and drawing a replicate shot of what's on his site.
I know, it's unoriginal, the piece was intended to be a learning device, since I feel it came out pretty damn good, I figured I'd share it with ya'll and see how many arses BLAM! me for biting an inconceivably great artists work...which I didn't. :P
Thanks for the views in advance.
The coloring is nice along with drawing in general.
WOW! Man,you got my attention. I also love this snapshot from the dashkin's game. It's pretty polished and awesome and you got to duplicate it exactly! This is pretty good work. How did you got to recreate everything exactly....Was it really complicated? What tablet did you use to draw this?
Thank you. I used Toon Boom Animate 2 and a Wacom Intuous 3. The precision came just by looking at what Adam did and doing my best to emulate that look.
nice job
You did an excellent job of replicating the colour, light and filter effects. Sorry I couldn't reply right away. Busy lately ;)
Well would you look at that, addressed by the man himself! Thanks buddy. Thanks also for the tips on the tone and highlight effects on layers, tried it, works like a charm. I assume you used the same technique to create the clouds...
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