Tonight, ghoul be partying like it's 1699!
What makes this piece a little different is that this was done in Krita! After seeing a friend of mine mess around with it, I had to give it a shot. I admit that I've said and even boasted that I'm way more into the traditional side of things, that most of my digital art is only colored digitally, but still drawn by hand. Well, technically I still did that with this piece, but I much prefer inking by hand, and this program is actually pretty cool about that. The problem I've generally faced with inking digitally or 100% digital drawing is not having as much control as I'd like, but I feel like Krita gives me that control, or at least as close as possible. It's actually a bit "smoother" than GIMP is, if I'm honest.
Speaking of, I'm not retiring from GIMP. Not yet, anyway. But Krita definitely changed the game here.
I'm also super proud of how the "spirits" text turned out. I originally just wanted it to be ghostly (something like the original Scooby-Doo, Where Are You? title), but then I realized I could make each letter something spoopy.
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