Hunter Regions is the second oldest of Shadow Sega and is currently known as the most aggressive and the most ill-mannered of the trio it was stated that during the time of Shadow Sega's villainous tirade that he used to possess the power of flight but lost that power due to his wings being ripped off, during the final stand of the Dark Cluster Crisis, where as a result, his thruster pack couldn't hold him in the sky due to the weight of his proton blaster and armor being to heavy, which resulted into him becoming permanently grounded and having to rely on his super sprint to get them to places.
despite showing to be ill-tempered ill-mannered and cold-hearted Hunter is shown to also be kind-hearted and can sometimes even be a lot nicer to others as this is proven on some occasions as this could also be possible due to Cloud Strife, Curtis Gunther, and Tifa Lockheart, trying to steer him down the right path or go the disciplinary actions every time Hunter would do something terrible.
Apart from that Hunter was known to have been the most feared group of Shadow Sega second below Travis hard as it was stated to a 1992 urban legend that he wants might have massacred in entire Military group within a war at an unknown time with a huge evil smirk on his face though this was never officially confirmed or proven.
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